
Our Shared Loneliness | Anthony Silard’s Latest in Psychology Today

Do you know the difference between loneliness and solitude? Read more about how valuable this is, here.

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The Deceptive Reasoning that Decreases Our Happiness

“Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)” has often been cited as a reason to spend every waking moment checking email, Facebook, Twitter and other online updates. Yet what are we actually missing out on when we spend so much of our precious lives online?  Due to Our Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), We are Actually Missing […]

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Loneliness and Our Singular Pursuit of More | Psychology Today

Will our current hunger for technology diminish our real life experiences? Check out Dr. Silard’s latest in Psychology Today, here.

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Loneliness and Our Singular Pursuit of More

“What?!” you may be thinking after reading this title. “I value my drive for more, it’s what gives me a sense of competence and value in life.” Fair enough. Yet hold your judgment for a moment. At least until you read this next story. The authors Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller attended a party hosted […]

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How We Became So Divided and Lonely | Anthony Silard’s latest series in Psychology Today

Have you ever experienced how lack of empathy in our decision-making process becomes a recipe for disastrous actions? Read more here.

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How We Created Our Loneliness

This is part three of a three-part series published over three consecutive weeks. While the term I use in this series, “brainwashing,” is admittedly a bit extreme, it is appropriate to describe what I am referring to: the unprecedented “disparate influence system” targeting a hyper-distracted population of individuals unwilling or unable to think for themselves. […]

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How We Became Lonely, Disconnected and Brainwashed

This is part two of a three-part series published over three consecutive weeks. Beware of false knowledge;it is more dangerous than ignorance. — George Bernard Shaw People are tiring of the social media model. It is for this reason that the bipartisanship-inducing effects of social media have led to fatigue with this platform as a […]

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Loneliness is What We Share: How We Became Disparately Brainwashed

This is part one of a three-part series published over three consecutive weeks. Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held … Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true. – Buddha A […]

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Our Pursuit of Convenience Produces Our Loneliness

This is part seven of an eight-part series published over eight consecutive weeks. Recall a recent situation and ask yourself whether you opted for convenience or connection. If you were having a meal with a friend and they told you about a recent trip with their kids, did you say, “I want to see pictures. […]

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Online Dating: Convenience Over Quality?

This is part five of an eight-part series published over eight consecutive weeks.    Many people meet their soulmate online. Yet how do you use a dating app such as Tinder, Bumble or Match? Are you simultaneously engaging in chats with dozens of eligible partners as a means of escaping the real world, or—noting recent research […]

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