
Don’t Let Someone Else’s Loneliness Spoil Your Own

Take a look at my new article in Psychology Today here!

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Do We Enjoy Our Phones or Feel Trapped by Them? Part 1

Our new video from The Art of Living Free series! Watch here.

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Is Life a Solo Journey? Part One

A few weeks ago, I had dinner with John, a friend of mine in California in his mid-60s who is grieving the loss of his wife from cancer. John was struggling to manage his grief, not an easy task at any time, and especially not during the social isolation of the pandemic. He told me […]

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Is Your Phone Making You Lonelier?

Check-out Anthony Silard’s recent video from The Art of Living Free series here!

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Valentine’s Day in the Pandemic: Managing the Specter of Loneliness

As Valentine’s Day nears, many of my single friends and clients share their anxiety and loneliness with me. For many single people, self-esteem hits the rails around this time of year. “Why don’t I have someone in my life?” becomes the question du jour. Around Valentine’s Day, our thoughts tend to erroneously focus only on the intimate […]

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Have You Been Feeling More Alone than You Did Before the Pandemic? This video can help.

Loneliness is not the same as depression, and knowing the difference is paramount in enabling us to thrive through these difficult times. Watch this video, “How to Be Lonely Without Becoming Depressed” for more insight from Dr. Silard.

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How to Be Lonely Without Becoming Depressed, Part 1

Watch some wonderful insight here from Dr. Anthony Silard: How to Be Lonely Without Becoming Depressed.

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Check-out our latest video from The Art of Living Free series | Covid-19: The Second Social Distancing Threat to Our Way of Life in Thirteen Years, Part 3

In Part 3, Dr. Silard talks about how to transform feelings of anxiety and loneliness into connection. Please share these strategies with others you think might benefit. Watch here and let us know your thoughts!

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Check-out our latest video from The Art of Living Free series | Covid-19: The Second Social Distancing Threat to Our Way of Life in Thirteen Years

The coronavirus is the second threat to our way of life to result in unprecedented social distancing in the past thirteen years. The first, which appeared in 2007, is the smartphone. Watch Dr. Silard delve into this topic here.

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Anthony Silard’s Article in Psychology Today | Is Your Phone Making You Lonelier?

Anthony Silard’s article was recently published in Psychology Today. You can read it here:

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