
Our Pursuit of Convenience Produces Our Loneliness

This is part seven of an eight-part series published over eight consecutive weeks. Recall a recent situation and ask yourself whether you opted for convenience or connection. If you were having a meal with a friend and they told you about a recent trip with their kids, did you say, “I want to see pictures. […]

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From Theme to Depth: Developing Friendships in the Digital Age

This is part six of an eight-part series published over eight consecutive weeks.   Jenna, a nurse in Seattle in her early thirties, shared with me how she met her boyfriend in my new book Screened In: The Art of Living Free in the Digital Age: I went on a date with a man who, upon first […]

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Online Dating: Convenience Over Quality?

This is part five of an eight-part series published over eight consecutive weeks.    Many people meet their soulmate online. Yet how do you use a dating app such as Tinder, Bumble or Match? Are you simultaneously engaging in chats with dozens of eligible partners as a means of escaping the real world, or—noting recent research […]

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Online Dating: Does It Really Work?

This is part four of an eight-part series published over eight consecutive weeks.    You can say a lot of things about dating in the Digital Age, but one thing is certain: putting yourself out there to meet that special someone is more “convenient” now. When you are cycling through hundreds of possible mates on Tinder, […]

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Our Lives Have Become Conveniently Lonely

This is part three of an eight-part series published over eight consecutive weeks.    You can make the decision today to question what and how you consume from the digital spigot. You can have a heart-to-heart with yourself about what you truly enjoy, and whether the easily accessed digital options are a sufficient substitute.  Do What […]

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Our Conveniently Lonely Lives

This is part two of an eight-part series published over eight consecutive weeks. A work colleague from Pakistan once told me there are many well-heeled Pakistani women now who are able to hire one servant for each of their children. They often spend the day going to the spa, shopping, and having lunch with their […]

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Our Conveniently Lonely Lives | Psychology Today

Convenience and the maximizing of individual preferences are quite alluring. Read more from Dr. Silard’s recently published article in Psychology Today here.

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The Loneliness of Convenience | Psychology Today

Understand how the pursuit of convenience could increase your loneliness. Read Dr. Silard’s latest article published in Psychology Today, here.

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Transforming Rejection

Can you remember the enduring pain of being ostracized from a social group as a teenager? I certainly can.  Don’t Let Rejection Define You  I remember as vividly as if it were yesterday the day that Charles, who I thought was my best friend when I was a senior in high school in Washington, DC, […]

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Transforming Rejection | Psychology Today

Can you see rejection as a gift? Learning to do so could be a life changer. Check out Dr. Anthony Silard’s latest article in Psychology Today here.

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