The Game You Never Win But Can’t Stop Playing

You can also read this article in Psychology Today here Greetings from Kenya, where I just completed a leadership program for 125 highly motivated and brilliant rural school leaders! I’m thrilled to offer you two powerful resources that can help transform your life and relationships: The Myth of Happiness: How Your Definition of Happiness Creates Your […]

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How to Be Optimistic Despite Constant Negativity in the News

You can also read this article in Psychology Today here Greetings from Kenya, where I just completed a leadership program for 125 highly motivated and brilliant rural school leaders! I’m thrilled to offer you two powerful resources that can help transform your life and relationships: The Myth of Happiness: How Your Definition of Happiness Creates Your […]

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The Power of Screen-Free Togetherness

You can also read this article in Psychology Today here My father once attended a Harvard alumni reunion in which he listened to a speech by a former Harvard president. “I’ve spoken with many alumni here and many of us are divorced or just alone and miserable,” one alumnus shared with the president during the […]

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Too Much Viewing, Not Enough Listening

“My husband and I went out to dinner with another couple, and it was incredible that most of the time they were on their phones,” reports Monica, a wedding planner in Chicago who attended one of my recent conferences on Leadership in Times of Social Disconnection. “My friend posted on Facebook, ‘Having a great time […]

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How Envy Became the Roadblock to Genuine Friendship

This is Part Three of a three-part series.  If the emotion people experience on Facebook is primarily envy, it would be helpful to understand what motivates Facebook users that provokes this emotion in others. A number of psychologists set out to do exactly that.  The psychiatrist Ashwini Nadkarni of the Boston Medical Center reviewed forty-two […]

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One More Text, No Less Loneliness

This is Part Two of a three-part series.   “One of the more vivid events in my life was the time that my daughter, at two years old, was diagnosed with central diabetes insipidus (a rare disorder),” Leanne told me, looking down at the floor at one of my leadership conferences.   When You’re Down, Social Media […]

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Loneliness is What We Share: How We Became Disparately Brainwashed

This is part one of a three-part series published over three consecutive weeks. Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held … Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true. – Buddha A […]

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How Social Media Exploits Our Loneliness to Create Its Own Demand

Imagine you are sitting home alone (not so difficult to imagine these days, considering over 3 in 5 Americans were lonely even before the pandemic) and have some time on your hands. What will you do with your free time? Call a friend? Read a book? If you’re like most people these days, you may be […]

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