
Don’t Let Someone Else’s Loneliness Spoil Your Own

Take a look at my new article in Psychology Today here!

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How Will You Reconnect with Others in Our Post-Pandemic Society?

“How can you advise me to spend less time looking at my screens?” more than a few people have asked me after seeing the title of my book, Screened In: The Art of Living Free in the Digital Age. “During the pandemic, my screens are all I have to connect with others.”   Feeling Stressed? Connect  Actually, […]

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Do We Enjoy Our Phones or Feel Trapped by Them? Part 1

Our new video from The Art of Living Free series! Watch here.

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Is Your Phone Making You Lonelier?

Check-out Anthony Silard’s recent video from The Art of Living Free series here!

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Dr. Anthony Silard explores what you can do to establish more robust relationships in your life, after a year of distancing.

Our new video on 5 Ways Excessive Technology is Harming Your Relationships, Part 3 Watch here.

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5 Ways Excessive Technology Use is Harming Your Relationships

5 Ways Excessive Technology Use is Harming Your Relationships, Part 2, is part of The Art of Living Free series. Dr. Silard shares about the negative impact our smartphones have on our relationships, and what we can do about it. Watch here! Read More

How to Be Lonely Without Becoming Depressed, Part 1

Watch some wonderful insight here from Dr. Anthony Silard: How to Be Lonely Without Becoming Depressed.

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Check-out our latest video from The Art of Living Free series | Covid-19: The Second Social Distancing Threat to Our Way of Life in Thirteen Years, Part 3

In Part 3, Dr. Silard talks about how to transform feelings of anxiety and loneliness into connection. Please share these strategies with others you think might benefit. Watch here and let us know your thoughts!

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Developing Relationships in Challenging Times

Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend. – Albert Camus It is a difficult time to develop new relationships. Anxiety has skyrocketed during the pandemic. Political divisions are tearing the country asunder and sowing distrust. Carefree virus spreaders are routinely […]

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Balancing Two Pandemics: Develop Golden-Mean Strategies to Effectively Navigate Our Current Times

I see so many people suffering, and it breaks my heart. I hear it everywhere around me in the voices of my family members, friends, (Zoom) leadership conference participants, coworkers, and students. I notice this suffering easily because it also exists inside of me.  We are collectively suffering from two pandemics: a physical health pandemic and a mental health pandemic. The mental health pandemic […]

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