
How to Be Lonely without Becoming Depressed

So lonely inside, so busy out there  and all you wanted was somebody who cares.   — Michelle Branch During the pandemic, almost all of us—with the exception of those working in essential businesses or health care—have become socially isolated. As a consequence, our collective mental health has taken a severe downturn and both loneliness and depression have become much more widespread.  Loneliness versus Depression  […]

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Anthony Silard’s Article in Psychology Today | How to Be Lonely without Becoming Depressed

Anthony Silard’s article “How to Be Lonely without Becoming Depressed” was published in Psychology Today. Find it here.

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In Times of Social Distancing, Transform Loneliness into Solitude and Social Engagement

Social distancing will hopefully come to an end in the not-too-distant future. Why? Because we need each other. We are social animals that, as social psychologists Roy Baumeister and Mark Leary document, need to belong to social groups to survive and thrive. The global recommendations of social distancing seem necessary; yet we must understand the social implications.  The Unprecedented […]

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Anthony Silard’s article in Psychology Today | Transforming Loneliness

Anthony Silard’s article “Transforming Loneliness” was published in Psychology Today. You can read the article here.

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