
Wish to Reclaim Your Well-Being in the Digital Age? Turn Off Your Notifications

One myth about the digital age is that we spend time on our phones because we enjoy them. The truth is that we spend time on our phones because we feel compelled to.  Notifications: Your Frequent Purveyor of Dopamine …   How can you transcend the dopamine-seeking behavior that keeps you touching your phone, on average, over […]

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What Addicts Us to the News about the Pandemic? The Same Thing that Got Us Addicted to Technology in the First Place

Beware of false knowledge;  it is more dangerous than ignorance.  — George Bernard Shaw  A few days ago, I made a radical, life-changing decision. To move? No. To put our kids in another school? Not at all. To go on a trip? If only. I decided to check the news about the pandemic at most once every […]

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Why We’re So Addicted to News about the Pandemic | Psychology Today

Anthony Silard’s article “Why We’re So Addicted to News about the Pandemic” was published in Psychology Today. You can read the article here.

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