The coronavirus is the second threat to our way of life in the past thirteen years to result in unprecedented social distancing. Let’s take a look at the first social-distancing threat, which appeared in 2007: the smartphone. First, the obvious needs stating: our phones are amazing. They offer some damn exciting options. This is why […]
Read MoreCheck out Anthony Silard’s new Psychology Today article on moving through loneliness during the pandemic.
Read MoreAs an educator and researcher of emotion and leadership, I’ve decided to apply an emotion lens to our fear of COVID-19 for two primary reasons. First, as anyone who saw Pixar’s Inside Out can tell you, fear is an emotion. In fact, it’s one of the five basic emotions (along with joy, anger, sadness and […]
Read MoreWe are in the midst of a global mental health crisis among teens and young adults. According to a Cigna study of over 10,000 American adults released in January, over three of every five Americans are currently lonely, the highest number in recorded history. Who are the loneliest in our society? In the US, it’s […]
Read MoreI’m sure you’ve heard something along these lines many times in the past few weeks: “It’s really sad what’s happening in ______ (Italy; New York; US).” Basically, many of us consciously or subconsciously seek out a country or a region of our own country where the coronavirus is wreaking more damage than where we live, […]
Read MoreEstoy seguro de que ha escuchado algo similar a estas líneas en las últimas semanas: “Es realmente triste lo que está sucediendo en ______ (Italia; Nueva York; EE. UU.)”. Básicamente, muchos de nosotros, consciente o inconscientemente, buscamos un país o una región de nuestro propio país donde el coronavirus está causando más daño que donde […]
Read MoreWhen asked what they are more afraid of, being killed by a shark or dying in a traffic accident, most people respond that they are more afraid of the former. Let’s consider the numbers: according to CDC data, every year about 1.35 million people die worldwide in traffic accidents, or about 3,700 per day. In […]
Read MoreMy wife and I experienced a high level of anxiety this past weekend. The question we couldn’t answer was, “What will we do with the kids?” Their schools are closed; they need our constant attention; we both work. Hmmm. Trailing not too far behind that question was another: “What will we do with ourselves?” Now […]
Read MoreIn the face of COVID-19, many of us have become miserable vessels of stress and angst. An important question is how can we shift away from toxic negative emotions such as fear and panic and toward positive emotions such as serenity, happiness and a renewed enthusiasm about our lives? Numerous studies have found that the […]
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