
Are You an Optimist or Pessimist About Our Changing World?

You can also read this article in Psychology Today here I am very happy to share my two latest books, The Myth of Happiness: How Your Definition of Happiness Creates Your Unhappiness and The Myth of Friendship: How YourMisunderstandings about Friendship Keep You Lonely, for free with all members of The Art of Living Free community. A link to […]

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Predicting the End of the Pandemic: Is it Better to Be an Optimist or Pessimist?

Opinions about when the pandemic will end are like mouths: everyone has one. Optimists predict a flattening of the curve and a workable vaccine within six months; pessimists forecast that we’ll be flattened by the curve and will never return to our pre-pandemic way of life.   So which is better? To be an optimist and […]

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