
The following are endorsements for Anthony Silard’s new book, Screened In: The Art of Living Free in the Digital Age:

The game of life was thrown a major curve ball when the first iPhone was released in 2007. If loneliness, anxiety, and depression are the indicators—as Anthony Silard compellingly makes the case, with a raft of largely unknown research to back him up—then most of us are striking out. If you want to get on base in the field of meaningful, supportive human relationships, this is the one book you can’t do without.  Buy it and adapt!

— Marshall Goldsmith, New York Times bestselling author of What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

Once we’ve had the honesty to admit we’re hooked on our screens, we can make the courageous choice to free ourselves. Screened In is a clear, strong and important book for our times that shines a fascinating and revealing light on our societal addiction, and offers inspiration and practical strategies to reconnect with this creative, vibrant and precious life.

— Tara Brach, author of Radical Acceptance

Screened In is a sharp, readable and savvy guide to making the most of those weapons of mass distraction in our pockets. Silard shows why we are so addicted to screens and – even more important – how we can kick the habit to live richer lives. Put down your phone and read it!

— Carl Honoré, author of the international bestseller In Praise of Slow

Ever since the first iPhone was released in 2007, lamentations, protests and cries of despair about our increasingly disconnected world have been everywhere and workable solutions have been nowhere— until Screened In. It’s an essential book for reducing screen time and embracing authentic relationships in the digital age.

— Harriet Lerner, New York Times bestselling author of The Dance of Anger

Although the Earth is not spinning any faster than a hundred years ago, the world is coming at us faster. We suffer from not just information overload, but emotional overload from never getting a break. Anthony Silard has captured the subversive and damaging aspects of the gift of the technological age. The research is clear – it causes us to be on alert and defensive all of the time. It also fools us into thinking we are more connected when in fact we are more socially isolated. Fortunately, as Tony suggests, the remedies are within your grasp – if you wish to use them. Ignore his message at your peril!

— Richard Boyatzis, New York Times bestselling co-author of Primal Leadership

If you aim to change our society in a positive way, it’s imperative that you understand how the new digital norms are affecting us. The new book by the world-renowned social entrepreneur, scholar, and leadership trainer Anthony Silard will help you do precisely that. Screened In actually caused my facial structure to shift … My eyebrows arched and my jaw dropped while reading this paradigm-shattering book … Silard has provided an undeniable, supremely beautiful gift to our society that we had better heed before it’s too late. I offer only one suggestion: accept it and then pay it forward.

— Cheryl Dorsey, President, The Echoing Green Foundation

As Anthony Silard meticulously documents in his book with the latest research and in-depth interviews with psychologists, pediatricians, and other thought leaders, the digital age has for many become a digital dystopia. If you’re looking for well-researched solutions to transcend the mess we’ve collectively created, this is the book you want to read.

— Roy Baumeister, social psychologist and co-author of Willpower

Anthony Silard is a master of understanding–and explaining–social interactions and the inner qualities that drive them.  In this compelling new book he takes aim at our collective addiction to the dazzling devices which are increasing supplanting healthy human relationships. True to form, Silard doesn’t just identify the problem, he shows us that the solution lies within each of us. Screened In is the book our society needs now.

— Mark Levine, New York City Council Member – 7th District Office

We are unfortunately seeing an alarming increase in students requiring mental health services over the past few years, and there is increasing evidence that digital addiction is playing a role. Reading Screened In is an eye-opening account of how over-attached we have become to our devices and what we can do about it. Silard’s book is a well-written and thoroughly researched primer on how to develop high-quality relationships in the digital age. To understand what you can do to reconnect with others through disconnecting from your devices, this is the one book you have to read.

— Michelle Bligh, Dean, School of Social Science, Policy, and Evaluation, Claremont Graduate University

Glued to your screen and not experiencing the rich, nurturing relationships you once did? Not sure how to change the direction your life has been going in with your trusty phone by your side? Thanks to Anthony Silard’s masterpiece, there is now a workable way out. Rather than being the source of your loneliness, anxiety, and depression, your phone can become your friend. In Screened In, Silard shows you how.

— Wendy Smith, professor and co-director, Women’s Leadership Initiative, The Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics, University of Delaware

Anthony Silard cites a considerable body of compelling research that details the damage being done to us and to our relationships by our attachment to our devices. Screened In offers powerful alternatives to the new heads-down norms that have taken over our society. Silard offers practical strategies to adjust our thinking so we can make positive changes in our lives while we still have the chance.

— Nick Morgan, author of Can You Hear Me?: How to Connect with People in a Virtual World

Anthony Silard holds a critical position in the global dialogue on screen etiquette. Screened In is an extremely important book that will challenge and ultimately change how you approach using your devices so you canexperience more happiness, success, and meaning in your life. This book will inspire you to become a better person vis-à-vis your devices and to avoid the loneliness, depression, and anxiety stemming from screen overuse. Our addiction to all of the colors and sounds emanating from our phones, as Silard so well chronicles with a tremendous raft of research to back him up, is currently splitting our society apart. The life you save may be your own … or the teenager’s down the street.

— Thomas Ramsøy, neuroscientist and CEO, Neurons

Have you experienced moments when everyone around you is staring at their screens instead of interacting with each other directly? Have you cringed at what this fascination with our devices does to our ability to connect on a personal level? At what it implies for our ability to cope with the anxieties that the contemporary world thrusts upon us? After reading Anthony Silard’s book, I was relieved to learn that I’m not the only one who feels this way and, most importantly, that there is great hope. Reading Screened In felt like completing a master’s degree in how to develop high-quality relationships in the digital age. If you are interested in gaining control of how you use your devices, this is a must-read!

— Alejandro Poiré, Dean, School of Social Sciences and Government, Monterey Institute of Technology, Mexico

While we are all busy looking at our smartphones and scrolling through social media, life is passing us by. In this thoroughly-researched book, Anthony Silard teaches us how to break free from the hold that modern media has on our attention. Screened In is for all of us who admittedly spend too much time on our devices, and want to have more time for ourselves and for maintaining quality relationships with others.

— Ronald E. Riggio, Ph.D., Kravis Professor of Leadership and Organizational Psychology, Kravis Leadership Institute, Claremont McKenna College
