Course: Managing Loneliness

Why This Course?

During the current pandemic, almost all of us have become socially isolated. Even before the pandemic, loneliness had already become the suffering of our generation. According to a Cigna study released in January 2020 (before the pandemic), over three of every five Americans were lonely (as measured by the UCLA Loneliness Scale)—the highest level in recorded history.

Have you ever asked yourself these two questions: “Do I feel lonely sometimes?” and “Why?” As Dr. Anthony Silard has found in his research, we often feel lonely due to the stifling of three critical human motives.

In this cutting-edge course, Managing Loneliness: How to Develop Meaningful Relationships and Enduring Happiness, you will learn how to live by Spinoza’s wise advice: “Emotion, which is suffering, ceases to be suffering as soon as we form a clear and precise picture of it.” Together, we will gain a better understanding of loneliness so we suffer less from it.

What is Dr. Silard’s approach to understanding loneliness?

What do people have to say about Dr. Silard’s approach to understanding loneliness?

To become more familiar with Dr. Silard’s approach to understanding loneliness, you can watch his videos below or read some of his articles on loneliness in Psychology Today—such as:

“How to Be Lonely Without Becoming Depressed”

“Transforming Loneliness”

“Is Your Phone Making Your Lonelier?”

“Managing Loneliness on Valentine’s Day in the Pandemic?”

In Fast Company: “This Valentine’s Day, Reframe Alone Time as a Perspective-Taking Opportunity”

Featured in USA Today: “Valentine’s Day Got You Down? You’re Not Alone in Feeling Lonely”

You can also read his new book, Screened In: The Art of Living Free in the Digital Age.

Here are a few endorsements of Screened In that speak to how Dr. Silard addresses how our phones/devices are increasing our loneliness:

“Armed with a prodigious volume of research, Screened In invites the reader to question their fundamental assumptions about how much technology and social media usage is safe. Through our device obsessions, we are creating a very lonely world! Dr. Silard provides us with a fascinating and well-researched book that will help us to end this addictive cycle.”

—Philip Zimbardo, former President, American Psychological Association, and New York Times bestselling author of The Lucifer Effect

“The game of life was thrown a major curve ball when the first iPhone was released in 2007. If loneliness, anxiety, and depression are the indicators—as Anthony Silard compellingly makes the case, with a raft of largely unknown research to back him up—then most of us are striking out. If you want to get on base in the field of meaningful, supportive human relationships, this is the one book you can’t do without. Buy it and adapt!”

—Marshall Goldsmith, New York Times bestselling author of What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.

Course Structure

The Managing Loneliness: How to Develop Meaningful Relationships and Enduring Happiness course will have 6 modules. Each module will contain numerous videos to guide you on your journey toward social connection by Dr. Anthony Silard, PowerPoint slides for your future reference, readings and a module workbook for you to develop your own Vision Statement and Action Plan to help you develop the robust and meaningful relationships you desire in your life – beginning with your relationship with yourself.

Course Modules

Module 1 | Understanding Loneliness

Module 2 | Your Relationship Inventory

Module 3 | The Inner Detour

Module 4 | How to Be Lonely without Becoming Depressed

Module 5 | Searching for Social Connection Online

Module 6 | Revitalize Your Relationships

Why?: To gain a better understanding of what loneliness is, how to manage it, and how to work through it to develop meaningful, sustainable relationships.

When?: You go at your own pace. You will own all of the course materials – including course videos, module workbooks, readings and PowerPoint slides for a lifetime.

Where?: Online.

Who?: Dr. Anthony Silard will be your instructor.

How much?: $65.

Are there scholarships?: Anthony doesn’t want anyone who can benefit from this course to be excluded for financial reasons. If you would like to apply for a partial scholarship, please send an email to [email protected] that describes your financial situation, why you feel the course would benefit you and how much you would like to contribute. Please keep in mind that all proceeds from this course go to nonprofit education programs.

We hope you will join us!

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Course: Managing Loneliness




A 6 week, go-at-your-own-pace course on what loneliness is and how to manage it.